Virgo: Astrological Aromatherapy

Virgo: Astrological Aromatherapy

Essential oils that assist digestion such as caraway, sweet fennel, ginger and peppermint are ideal for Virgo. Lavender will support relaxation that Virgos often deny themselves. Virgos also tend to deny themselves pleasure, so a massage with essential oils such as rose or jasmine can remind them that they are deserving of nurture. It also reminds them that they are unique and special person, something that Virgos are likely to forget.
Libra: Astrological Aromatherapy Reading Virgo: Astrological Aromatherapy 2 minutes Next Scorpio: Astrological Aromatherapy

AUGUST 23 – SEptember 22

Perceptive & Thoughtful


Archetype: The Healer |  Symbol: The Virgin  |  Element: Earth

Keyword: I Serve  |  Ruling planet: Mercury - planet of communication and intellect 

Psychological type: Perceptive


Typical characteristics

Organized, logical, health-oriented, devoted, humble, perfectionist, detailed, precise, skilled communicators, devoted, hardworking, observant, shrewd, loving, nurturing, thoughtful, judgmental. Virgo may work long hours, whether in paid employment or in the service of their family and will carry on even when exhausted. They can therefore become exhausted and rundown.

On the other hand, they can also be cold, critical, reserved, self-serving, jealous, fearful, distrustful, so meticulous they lose sight of larger issues, critical of anything outside of their beliefs.


Virgo progresses from Leo’s showiness to an orientation towards humility and serving others.


Virgos are great worriers, when this worry is turned on themselves it can be destructive. They can take a puritanical approach to their health, only eating simple foods and engaging in exercise. If they let their regime slip, they can become preoccupied with their health and tend to hypochondria. Virgo rules the abdomen, large and small intestines, and spleen.


Feeling secure, personal cleanliness, routine, loyalty, being pampered when feeling down, equality, dedication, being active, perfection, attention to detail, conventions and rules.

Adverse to

Vulgarity, loud displays of affection, personal untidiness, hypocrisy, weakness, complaining, idleness, forming new relationships     



Lavender illustration

Signature oil: Lavender

Essential oils that assist digestion such as caraway, sweet fennel, ginger and peppermint are ideal for Virgo. Lavender will support relaxation that Virgos often deny themselves. Virgos also tend to deny themselves pleasure, so a massage with essential oils such as rose or jasmine can remind them that they are deserving of nurture. It also reminds them that they are unique and special person, something that Virgos are likely to forget.

Perfect Potion Virgo Blend: Everlasting, hinoki wood, lavender, sweet orange, palmarosa, Santalum spicatum.



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