Aquarius: Astrological Aromatherapy

Aquarius: Astrological Aromatherapy

Aquarians are more susceptible than other signs to nervous disorders. They are more likely to be attracted to a modality that is more cerebral in nature such as homoeopathy or the latest and most out there trendy healing therapy. Aquarians are also more likely to be interested in the chemistry or the pharmacology of essential oils.  They will love neroli which is the signature oil. They will be drawn to the meditative nature of neroli oil.

Aries: Astrological Aromatherapy Reading Aquarius: Astrological Aromatherapy 2 minutes Next Aries: Astrological Aromatherapy

january 20 – feburary 18

Freedom & Independence


Archetype: The Rebel  |  Symbol: The Water Bearer  |  Element: Air

Keyword: I Know  |  Ruling planet: Saturn and Uranus - planets of responsibility and freedom

Psychological type: Thinking


Typical characteristics

Playful, friendly, spontaneous, open-minded, caring, devoted, liberal, understanding, tolerant, benevolent. Aquarians are known for their open-minded approach to life. You will find Aquarius doing whatever they can do to differentiate themselves from the crowd. They have a reputation for coldness and aloofness because they are reluctant to confide their thoughts or feelings to anyone but their closest friends. Friendships tend to be sociable rather than intimate and are often based on shared interests. 

On the other hand, they can also be undependable, cold, aloof, mean, self-centred, unable to commit, judgmental, fickle, unpredictable.  


Aquarius progresses from Capricorns traditionalism to qualities of inventiveness, future orientation, and rebellion against status quo. Without the energy of Aquarius, society would stagnate.


Aquarius rules the calves and ankles. The pathological action of Aquarius is towards nervousness, gloom and sensitiveness leading to habits and fixed ideas that make disease persist and linger. They are prone to varicose veins, hypertension and heart problems.


Good conversation, a boss who is more like a good mate, thinking outside the norm, fringe culture, independence, witty banter, committing to a cause, their friends (sometimes more than their family). 

Adverse to

Bores, predictability, conventional celebrations, tackiness, commitment, suburbia, people who try and be stereotypes, their privacy being invaded, popular culture in general



Neroli Oil

Signature oil: Neroli

Aquarians are more susceptible than other signs to nervous disorders. They are more likely to be attracted to a modality that is more cerebral in nature such as homoeopathy or the latest and most out there trendy healing therapy. Aquarians are also more likely to be interested in the chemistry or the pharmacology of essential oils.  They will love neroli which is the signature oil. They will be drawn to the meditative nature of neroli oil.

Perfect Potion Aquarius Blend: Bergamot, Roman chamomile, clary sage, coriander seed, lemon, neroli, rosemary.



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