Aries: Astrological Aromatherapy

Aries: Astrological Aromatherapy

Aries are drawn towards warm essential oils when physically depleted to restore their innate energy – oils such as black pepper, ginger and rosemary. On the other hand, when Aries is agitated, stressed or frustrated, soothing essential oils such as bergamot, German and Roman chamomile and geranium are ideal.

March 21 – April 19

Confidence & Courage / Enthusiasm & Vitality


Archetype: The Leader |  Symbol: The Ram  |  Element: Fire

Keyword: I Am  |  Ruling planet: Mars - planet of power  |  Psychological type: Intuitive


Typical characteristics

Willful, decisive, courageous, innocent, independent, direct, competitive, feel the need to win, innate enthusiasm and energy, eager for new experiences, pioneers in their field, and a get it done attitude.

On the other hand, they can also be selfish, aggressive, quick-tempered, impulsive, impatient, foolhardy, lacking direction, may push themselves to the limit- resulting in burnout.



As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries represents the start of the mythological journey through the stars. Aries represents the beginning of the seasons and the energy of vitality.



This sign is related to the head. Aries are prone to headaches, migraines, sinusitis and other problems affecting the head.



Action, coming first, challenges, championing causes, spontaneity.


Adverse to

Waiting around, humoring fools, admitting failure, tyranny, other people’s advice.




Signature oil: Rosemary

Aries are drawn towards warm essential oils when physically depleted to restore their innate energy – oils such as black pepper, ginger and rosemary.

On the other hand, when Aries is agitated, stressed or frustrated, soothing essential oils such as bergamot, German and Roman chamomile and geranium are ideal.

Perfect Potion Aries Blend: Bergamot, black pepper, black spruce, fragonia, frankincense, lemon, Roman chamomile and rosemary




Zodiac Collection